Dennis Landadio has been a great fan of B westerns since his folks purchased their first RCA black and white TV back in the early 50s. Even before, he loved to listen to weekly broadcasts of the Lone Ranger. Among his favorites are Hopalong Cassidy and the Three Mesquiteers. One by one, in order by theatrical release, Dennis is writing a review and commentary on each of these Mesquite adventures.
Dennis also rates each film --- a rating of one six-gun is poor while a four six-gun rating would equal a great Three Mesquiteers adventure.
I asked Dennis to provide a bio as well as information on why he is a western movie fan, and the following includes Dennis' updated status as of February, 2002:
"My interest in westerns was sparked as a very young child by the Lone Ranger radio broadcasts. In those pre TV days, my ears were glued to the radio for the latest weekly adventures of the Masked Rider and 'Kimmosabe'. After we acquired a TV, I could see the Lone Ranger live on TV sponsored by Cheerios Thursday nights on ABC Channel 7 in New Jersey. I soon learned of and came to love the other western movies and heroes early 50s TV offered.
Time permitting, I never (and still don't) missed seeing any of them. Other favorites are the early Hoppy movies, especially those with Gabby (he was one cool dude!) and the Duke, again his movies with Gabby, too. From John Wayne to the Mesquiteers to Bob Livingston. For some reason Bob Livingston nudged the Duke and Hoppy out of First Place with me. It's difficult to try to understand why I love western movies. Maybe they were simple stories --- bad guys vs. good guys and the good guys who were GOOD always won.
I am a New Jersey person born and bred in the great Garden State. I live in Westfield, New Jersey. I have a wonderful wife, two sons, two grandsons and two on the way.
I have been away from writing these reviews for 7 or 8 months. I changed jobs going from AVAYA Inc to working for the government. Finally I made a wise choice. The day after I told my boss at AVAYA that I was leaving, the company announced cutbacks. Made me feel that I made the right call!
Things have been very busy with the new job since I signed on in June, 2001. For a while, the pace of activity was at a fast gallop. Between 10 weeks of intensive training in Texas and Philadelphia and meeting daily with clients here in New Jersey, I was and still am one busy hombre.
It's a position for life allowing me to apply knowledge I spent three hard years plus in graduate school to gain.
So now it's time to get back to the things that are really fun in life--- B westerns and the Three Mesquiteers. It's great to be back in the saddle again! My new e mail address is I look forward to re-establishing contact with all you great B western and 3M fans. Please write.
By the way, if you are ever in Fort Worth, be sure to visit the stock yards historical area and the surrounding stores. It was the only real exposure to the west I found while in Texas. (I could not call the piece of Dallas I saw as the "west".) Many of the shops feature B western memorabilia. Duke is very popular there. Save your money. Don't visit Billy Bob's."